Friday, August 21, 2009

"Peer Pressure"

We went to one of our friend’s house to watch movies, it’s quite late at night so I need to go home. They want me to stay and watch another movie. At first, I really still want to watch another movie but my parents are waiting for me at home so I decided to go home early. My parents trusted me a lot so I will not break that trust. There will always be another time for bonding, my responsibilities at home are more important. I must obey my parents so they will allow me to have my own freedom.
We should know what to prioritize in our life, so it’s easier for us to divide our time. In life we should give and take, we should know when to hold on and let go. It’s always about our own decisions that will lead us to the path either the good or the bad path. All that is happening to us is just the result of what we’ve done in the past.

Thursday, August 20, 2009


A responsible person for me is a person who is determined and hard-working towards doing his/her tasks. He/She knows how to divide his/her time at each role, he/she is patient in enduring hardship, he/she strives more to achieve or attain his/her goals, he/she goes beyond his/her limitation. He/she also knows when to relax and give time for himself/herself.
At home, I wash the dishes, I clean our house, I sometimes cook our rice, I fold and hang clothes, I consider being a good and obedient daughter as a responsibility. I must bring joy and honor to my family
In school, studying very hard, being a member of a school organization, respecting the students, faculty and staff, maintaining the cleanliness of the campus, obeying rules and regulations, paying school accounts and wearing our I.D’s
In our community, actively participating in the programs of the community, donating anything that can help others needs, engaging to activities that can build the community stronger.

"Admitting Mistake"

I took the challenge of admitting my mistake and I was able to do the challenge even though it’s very hard for me to admit that I did something wrong to everyone. At first I felt uncomfortable but later on as I realized what I did, I felt relieved and at ease when I was able to accept my mistakes and reflect what I did. I also felt like I became mature to do such brave thing. I realized that in our life, not all that we assume or want will always be the result. It’s not always about what we’ve done but it’s about what we’ve learned. Our life is a long road to travel, we should know where and when to stop or go on.

"Admitting Mistake"

I took the challenge of admitting my mistake and I was able to do the challenge even though it’s very hard for me to admit that I did something wrong to everyone. At first I felt uncomfortable but later on as I realized what I did, I felt relieved and at ease when I was able to accept my mistakes and reflect what I did. I also felt like I became mature to do such brave thing. I realized that in our life, not all that we assume or want will always be the result. It’s not always about what we’ve done but it’s about what we’ve learned. Our life is a long road to travel, we should know where and when to stop or go on.


The result of my personal health assessment is not quite good, I not healthy at any of the aspects. I must develop my different aspects of being healthy as soon as possible but little by little. So I will be able to adjust myself to different surroundings. I must find ways to be healthy. I must help myself enhance my capabilities so I can do more things that are essential for my growth as an individual. I also must appreciate myself more and do challenging works.


The result of my personal health assessment is not quite good, I not healthy at any of the aspects. I must develop my different aspects of being healthy as soon as possible but little by little. So I will be able to adjust myself to different surroundings. I must find ways to be healthy. I must help myself enhance my capabilities so I can do more things that are essential for my growth as an individual. I also must appreciate myself more and do challenging works.


a. What challenge did you take?
I took the challenge to consistently get high scores in all my quizzes and exams.

b.Were you able to beat the challenge? How do you feel about it?
yes, I feel so happy, blessed and proud of myself .

c.What have you realized/learned from your experience?

If I will focus on my goals and work hard, I will achieve them. I was able to conquer my limitations and became more confident. I should strive hard so I can fulfill my own expectations of myself. I can do better things if I am determined and I have a driving force to attain it.

"The Inconvenient Truth"

- The most striking scene in the movie
The scene where Al Gore showed the different pictures or evidences that the Earth is getting warmer. Also the scene where he presented the huge chart of rapid change in temperature and water level

- Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie
I was shocked and alarmed about the present situation that the Earth is experiencing. We are the cause of these effects on the Earth. We became selfish and too materialistic so we forgot to care for our environment

- Your realization after watching the movie
We should do something to save our surroundings even just small things can help our Mother Earth. We should lessen these effects so there will be something left for the future generations.

- The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment

Simply by not littering around, by practicing the proper waste segregation, engaging to different community programs like tree plating and pera sa basura. Recycle, Reduce and Reuse plastics or completely eliminate the usage of plastics

"The Most Challenging Thing"

The most challenging thing that I have ever accomplished was getting the second highest award during our commencement exercises the Saint Josephine Bakhita Community Service Award. I did not really expect the award but the efforts and good behavior that I have exhibited paved the way to it. Doing charity works is quite natural for me. I also believe that I have shown exemplary service to the school as Senior News Editor of the school newspaper, Grade Level Catechist, secretary of the yearbook and treasurer of the YFC club. Although some people doubt my capabilities and capacities as a person, I was able to prove to them my worth.

"Positive Characteristics"

1. Looking back at the list of your positive characteristics and qualities, what do you feel and realize about it?

I am happy and thankful that I have these positive traits that I can use daily. I realize that these qualities can help me grow as a person and also develop my personality

2. The Golden Rule says “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.”

a. Given the following situations, how would you like to be treated by your teachers and schoolmates:I want to be treated fairly and with respect. I want them to help me enhance my skills by supporting me in anything I will doI don't want them to judge me wrongly. I also want them to accept me exactly the way I am.
b. Considering the given ideas on how to treat others with respect, what can you commit to yourself in terms dealing with the MCL community: teachers, students, employees, security, maintenance/janitors and canteen personnel?
I should know my own limitations and weaknesses. I must first reflect well before making any decision.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"The Family"

The most effective agent of socialization for me is the family. Everything starts at home, the kind of family we grew up with will reflect on the way we are as a person. The home is where we are formed and molded by our parents. It is where we improved our personality and we’ve got our values, beliefs and cultures. The family is the one whom we know that will always be there in times of pains and success. We feel secured and protected with our family. Our family is our source of strength and confidence towards facing life. It is the primary reason for a person to become better as an individual. What our family experiences will always have an effect to us, it may be good or bad. We express our true self in the family, there is no pretentions when we are with the members.
“What we will become is just the result of our past”

Monday, July 6, 2009

My Outstanding Virtue

My Outstanding virtue would be the virtue of Concern for others, because being concern to other people makes me feel happy. Being concern to others means being sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.
I particularly like this virtue because it’s a way of expressing my love of neighbor. It is the reason why it is easier for me to develop relationships with friends. I feel the need to associate with other people because I am an only child, I do not want to be alone. This virtue helped me to enhance my own personality while helping other people.

Monday, June 29, 2009

My College Life

......"My College Life"......
My first week at MCl was quite uncertained because it is like going out of your comfort zone... your protective shell. It's seemed like starting all over again, new school, new professors, new classmates and an entirely new environment. At first,I thought I will not find new friends. I'm quite timid at first, but very approachable when befriended. I was also excited with my program. It found the curriculum very interesting and appropriate to my career plans. I was delighted to meet my co-MMA students whom I can get along well.

All the professors were quite approachable and kind. They have different effective teaching strategies that makes learning easier and enjoyable.
I also observed that they are fluent English speakers which encouraged student to try to speak in English. They have different qualities that are essential to learning.

Some of my co-MMA students are also my classmates in most of the courses. I think our strenght as a class is our individdual differences, some personalities make us laugh but we can be serious when the situation calls for it.
I still find our group not yet that united, there are smaller groups within.

I found my courses very interesting and quite easy. I tried to spend time to study and learn new things.
The courses I personally think that I find easy are Filipino, English and Values.
I believe that even if a course is difficult, the approaches and the personality of the professor will make it interesting for me.
I don't like humanities and math. Math because I'm not good at it, even if how hard I tried. Humanities because I just don't like it yet.

Since it's just been three weeks, I don't seem to have major adjusments aside from the environment and the people that surrounds me. Academically, I am just applying and implementing what I've learned from the past years of my life. Emotionally, I missed my old friends and my comfort zone. Socially, I must treat people fairly.