Monday, June 29, 2009

My College Life

......"My College Life"......
My first week at MCl was quite uncertained because it is like going out of your comfort zone... your protective shell. It's seemed like starting all over again, new school, new professors, new classmates and an entirely new environment. At first,I thought I will not find new friends. I'm quite timid at first, but very approachable when befriended. I was also excited with my program. It found the curriculum very interesting and appropriate to my career plans. I was delighted to meet my co-MMA students whom I can get along well.

All the professors were quite approachable and kind. They have different effective teaching strategies that makes learning easier and enjoyable.
I also observed that they are fluent English speakers which encouraged student to try to speak in English. They have different qualities that are essential to learning.

Some of my co-MMA students are also my classmates in most of the courses. I think our strenght as a class is our individdual differences, some personalities make us laugh but we can be serious when the situation calls for it.
I still find our group not yet that united, there are smaller groups within.

I found my courses very interesting and quite easy. I tried to spend time to study and learn new things.
The courses I personally think that I find easy are Filipino, English and Values.
I believe that even if a course is difficult, the approaches and the personality of the professor will make it interesting for me.
I don't like humanities and math. Math because I'm not good at it, even if how hard I tried. Humanities because I just don't like it yet.

Since it's just been three weeks, I don't seem to have major adjusments aside from the environment and the people that surrounds me. Academically, I am just applying and implementing what I've learned from the past years of my life. Emotionally, I missed my old friends and my comfort zone. Socially, I must treat people fairly.

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