Thursday, August 20, 2009

"The Inconvenient Truth"

- The most striking scene in the movie
The scene where Al Gore showed the different pictures or evidences that the Earth is getting warmer. Also the scene where he presented the huge chart of rapid change in temperature and water level

- Your feelings and emotions while watching the movie
I was shocked and alarmed about the present situation that the Earth is experiencing. We are the cause of these effects on the Earth. We became selfish and too materialistic so we forgot to care for our environment

- Your realization after watching the movie
We should do something to save our surroundings even just small things can help our Mother Earth. We should lessen these effects so there will be something left for the future generations.

- The specific actions you can commit to take care of the environment

Simply by not littering around, by practicing the proper waste segregation, engaging to different community programs like tree plating and pera sa basura. Recycle, Reduce and Reuse plastics or completely eliminate the usage of plastics

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