Tuesday, July 14, 2009

"The Family"

The most effective agent of socialization for me is the family. Everything starts at home, the kind of family we grew up with will reflect on the way we are as a person. The home is where we are formed and molded by our parents. It is where we improved our personality and we’ve got our values, beliefs and cultures. The family is the one whom we know that will always be there in times of pains and success. We feel secured and protected with our family. Our family is our source of strength and confidence towards facing life. It is the primary reason for a person to become better as an individual. What our family experiences will always have an effect to us, it may be good or bad. We express our true self in the family, there is no pretentions when we are with the members.
“What we will become is just the result of our past”

Monday, July 6, 2009

My Outstanding Virtue

My Outstanding virtue would be the virtue of Concern for others, because being concern to other people makes me feel happy. Being concern to others means being sensitive to the needs and feelings of others.
I particularly like this virtue because it’s a way of expressing my love of neighbor. It is the reason why it is easier for me to develop relationships with friends. I feel the need to associate with other people because I am an only child, I do not want to be alone. This virtue helped me to enhance my own personality while helping other people.